Successfull AGM

The Avoca Football Netball Club held a very successful Annual Meeting recently.

Outgoing President Bill Drummond was thanked for his tenure in the position for the past seven years and he wished the committee and the club well going forward.

The incoming Committee is:

President: Sandie Ward

Vice-President: Alana Burge

Secretary: Kylie Coghlan

Treasurer’s: Kylie Latch & Stephanie Wardlaw

Senior Football Manager is Ben Coghlan

Junior Football Manager: Luke Davis

Netball Manager: Alana Burge

Match Day Manager is Jeremy Coghlan

Social Committee: Colleen Drummond

Canteen: Sima Beavis

Independent: Andrew Wardlaw, Jessie Wardlaw

We thank our committee members and we look forward to the 2024 season.